Upcoming Events

Below please find a list of upcoming training events held at IMB for members of the International PhD Programme (IPP) on "Gene Regulation, Epigenetics and Genome Stability", the IMB Postdoc Programme (IPPro), the RTG GenEvo, the RTG 4R, the iRTG of the SFB1361 and the iRTG of the SFB1551. Courses are open also to other young scientists for a fee covering the costs of trainer and course organisation.

If there is no other information in the course description, all courses are taking place at IMB, Ackermannweg 4, 55128 Mainz (University Campus).
* Costs for members of the IPP, IPPro, SFB 1361, SFB1551, 4R and GenEvo are covered by the respective programmes.

To register, please fill in the course registration form (assoc. programmes) or email training(at)imb.de (externals).

No news available.