CRC 1361: Regulation of DNA Repair & Genome Stability

The central goal of this Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) is to elucidate the molecular mechanisms that modulate the activities of genome maintenance pathways in the cell.
The network brings together experts in structural biology, organic chemistry, biochemistry, molecular and cell biology as well as genetic toxicology and clinical sciences. It makes use of state-of-the-art tools in microscopy, proteomics, genomics, damage detection and quantification as well as a wide panel of DNA repair assays. By focussing on the fundamental regulatory mechanisms of the DNA damage response, we will obtain insight into how the different repair and genome maintenance pathways manage to maintain a balance between cell death and survival, genome stability and plasticity, and gene regulation.
Regulation of genome stability and DNA repair is central to understanding the mechanisms underlying ageing, as the majority of mutations that lead to premature ageing and degeneration occur in genes involved in DNA repair.
The DFG recently approved the second funding period of the CRC 1361 until 2026.
For more information on the CRC 1361, please visit

Prof. Helle Ulrich
Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) and JGU Mainz
+49 (0) 6131-39-21490

Dr John Fung
Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB)
+49 (0) 6131-39-30534
Assistant Coordinator:
Dr Katarina Kruspig
Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB)
+49 (0) 6131-39-21962
Participating Institutions: